About Us
Since 1972
Beck Helicopters was the FIRST locally based Helicopter Company in Taranaki and was formed in 1972 to meet an increasing need for helicopter services in the province. Based in Eltham, experience has shown this to be the most central point in Taranaki to operate our business from, with most of Taranaki being within 15 minutes flying time. We operate throughout New Zealand and can reach any part of the country within four hours.

While originally established to service the need for spraying operations throughout Taranaki. We quickly saw the need for an accurate topdressing service, remote lifting, air transport, surveys and search and rescue operations. With the purchase of a Bell 206 Jet Ranger in 1977 we quickly established ourselves within the agricultural helicopter scene throughout New Zealand.
With our Jet Ranger, Beck Helicopters often undertakes air transport and survey operations. These operations, as well as filming, photography and scenic flights can result in significant time savings compared with ground based methods. Their pilots also have extensive experience in performing low level power line and pipeline surveys, throughout the entire country.
Beck Helicopters has been involved in many and varied precision lifting and construction operations from line construction, including pole placement and pylon erection through to concrete pouring and general lifting throughout New Zealand.
Some notable operations include the moving and placement of the New Plymouth sculpture the Wind Wand, the removal of tree from One Tree Hill in Auckland and the tower construction for the A.J. Hackett Bungy Ltd in Queenstown.
The pilots at Becks are highly experienced in under-slung operations, particularly bucketing operations due to the thousands of tonnes of fertiliser they apply each year. With a maximum lifting capacity of 1,800 kg and specially designed 1,500 litre water buckets Beck Helicopters have proven effective in fire fighting operations. The huge capacity of the helicopters compared to the smaller Squirrels and Hughes 500’s makes them easily twice as effective at controlling fires. As they are committed and fully self sufficient, they are able to relocate anywhere within the country at short notice when needed.